Your desire to donate to The Nature Education Foundation is very much appreciated. Click here to be taken to a form where you can indicate how your donation is to be used. Corporate sponsors can submit their sponsorship donations there also.
Ranger Residence Restoration
The Foundation has acquired the use of the old “Ranger Residence” near the Visitor Center at the Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve. After 20 years, we’ll have our own space to 1) plan and manage all of the Foundation’s youth nature education programs, 2) space for volunteers to work, 3) hold membership meetings and small gatherings, 4) storage for all of our “stuff”, and 5) office space for members and the community to come see us, become members, inquire and buy tickets for our fun events. House has been empty for two years. Click here to Donate!
Planning Your Legacy
Whether or not you’ve begun the estate planning process, you may have thought about what you want your legacy to be. For many people, this means setting and achieving philanthropic goals during their lifetime and for years to come. TNEF has consultants at the ready to assist you with your philanthropic goals and help achieve long-term benefits for you, your estate and the TNEF. For more information contact [email protected].
Education Programs and Unrestricted Support
Your donation will be used to support TNEF’s youth environmental education programs to help cover the costs of the Third Grade Nature and Outreach Programs, or middle school Trout-in-the-Classroom and Native Seed Bank Studies, or the high school Habitat Studies and Restoration Programs. Click here to donate.
Environmental Studies Scholarships
TNEF provides annual scholarships for graduating seniors who are entering fields of study in the Environmental Sciences. Scholarship program is administered by the Murrieta Dollars for Scholars and are awarded in April of each year. Scholarships are funded solely from private donations. Click here to donate.
Tribute and Honor Giving
The following people have memorial funds in their names. To create a memorial fund for your loved one, click here.
Linda Reischmann
Linda Reischmann had many firsts over the years with the Foundation. She was the first Volunteer of the Year in 2013 and the first Office Staff hired in 2014. Her energy, enthusiasm, and attention to detail made her a logical choice for Administrative Assistant. When she retired from her paid position at the Foundation, she went back to being a volunteer. Her help in the office was invaluable. She was a friend to many and new hundreds of people at the plateau on a first name basis. We will miss her and her beautiful smile. Click here to donate in her memory!
Nancy Backstrand
A force of nature at the Reserve for over 40 years; advocating, teaching and designing programs and projects to educate children, especially 3rd graders, about the wonders of nature and the Santa Rosa Plateau. Programs such as Outreach, and events such as Family Wildlife Day, were inspired by Nancy and are still an influence at the Reserve to this day. Her work has touched thousands of children, volunteer Docents, RivCoParks staff and countless friends and colleagues. Donated funds will support the 3rd Grade Outdoor Education Program. Click here to donate in her memory!
Evelyn Byrd
Remembering Evelyn Byrd, long-time Docent and Foundation volunteer. Pictured here with long-time friends and nature colleagues Gordon House and Rob Hicks. She loved nature, children and hiking. Click here to donate in her memory!
Marsha Hall-Brown
Marsha was a long-time volunteer with the Foundation along with her husband Bob. She was a writer of childrens’ books and historical non-fiction. She loved nature and was an advocate of teaching youngsters about it. Click here to donate in her memory!
Send us an email, give us a call, or come see us.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 951-319-2998
Office: Monday – Friday: 9:00 am – 5:30 pm
Visitor Center: Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve
39400 Clinton Keith Road, Murrieta 92562
TNEF is partnered with RivCoParks to provide nature education programs at the Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve. Visit their website for information about their programs and properties in Riverside County.
Sponsor Highlight
Each month we’ll introduce you to a sponsor who has embraced the value of “corporate social responsibility” with their support of our mission via event and program sponsorships. Please consider this local company for your family and business needs.
Winchester & Associates Insurance Services
A boutique agency specializing in Hard to Insure homeowners, commercial business, Medicare and agribusiness insurance. We are here to help protect what you love. To get a quote click here.